Membership Information
Membership Application Forms are available if you are interested in becoming a member.
For additional information on MDBMDC membership contact Dawn Cox
Directions for applying for membership:
Print and fill out the Membership Application completely.
Print and sign the "Code of Conduct".
You must have ONE sponsor who is a current MDBMDC member in good standing.
Attend a minimum of ONE club function prior to your application being accepted by the Board.
Membership Fees
Initiation fee is $5.00.
Annual dues: family $25.00; couple $20.00; individual $15.00.
Associate Membership (Newsletter subscription - ONLY) $15.00.
Make a check out for the appropriate type of membership to Mason Dixon BMD Club.
Review and download the Membership Application, Code of Conduct, and the Constitution & By Laws.
Send your completed membership package (application, Code of Conduct and membership check) to the membership chair:
Dawn Cox
Mason Dixon BMD Club Membership
103 Valley View Drive
Hanover, PA 17331-8308
Please Note: New members are automatically placed on provisional status until their application is voted on and approved by the club at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Membership fees will be refunded to any applicants declined by the club.